Frequently Asked Questions

Are skincare products included in the acne program?

Products are sold separately and exclusive to the START and GLOW subscribers. For the GLOW subscribers, you are required to start with the ‘Clearmode Starter Kit*

Are products included in the membership price?

All products are sold separately. Your initial purchase for products will be between 250-300 and they will last 2-3 months.

Can I use my own products? 

With all of the variables associated with getting you to where you are to clear and in control of your acne, we cannot risk combining products that aren’t aligned with the scientific process of the program, as it will delay and complicate getting clear . 

Do I have to change my diet?

That would be 100% your choice, however, about 65% of people who are in the acne program have food related triggers, therefore, don’t get 100% clear without eliminating that from their diet.

How long does it take to get clear?

Anywhere from 3-12 months, and it is nearly impossible to guess where you fall on the spectrum until we get there, together. For people who are consistent with your routine and the lifestyle recommendations, 80% of them get 100% clear in 3 months.

Are skincare products included in the program?

No, the service fees are for services only. You can purchase products in the store page.

How do I know if the Acne Program is the best for me?

If you’re looking for a solution for your acne and are wanting to find something to commit to ….or sign up for the weekly webinar here.

I’m on other medications, can I still do the program?

If they are acne medications, I wouldn’t recommend it because it throws an unknown variable into the acne program that we can’t control. If you’ve been on Accutane within the past 6 months I wouldn’t be able to take you on in the acne program.



What is the cancellation Policy?

if you commit fully to the program for AT LEAST 90 days and don’t see any improvement, we’ll refund your subscription investment in full. An honest effort is required on your part to qualify for a full refund.
The eligible refund window opens on Day 91 and closes on Day 100 after your purchase. Users requesting refunds during the eligible refund window who have qualified under the Action Taker’s Guarantee will be issued a full refund.Refund requests made beyond Day 100 after the initial purchase will not be deemed valid. Refunds that are issued during the eligible refund window to people who have NOT qualified under the Action Taker’s Guarantee will be issued a full refund of $100 administrative fee. 

A NOTE FROM TIFFANY Seeing you succeed and living a life of clear glowing skin is my highest priority. The results you achieve in this program don’t happen by accident — you must EARN them. The Glowmode Program takes you through a transformative learning process to help you discover what needs to be improved in your skin through committing to your skincare and self-care routines. If you are willing to put in the hard work consistently and be patient throughout your time in the program, the results that you can create for yourself can be life-changing!

This is not a “quick fix” and requires your commitment to achieve the long-term results that you are looking for. In the first 90 days, we expect that you will: Make improvements in the overall health and clarity of your skin Better understand how to get your skin to stay healthy and your lifestyle habits that lead to you achieving your skin goals Learn to apply the lifestyle modification and principles in the program to your daily life Develop better habits to set your skin for success.

The results listed above can be achieved through YOUR effort in the program and also in the online community. Come into the program with an open mind, be willing to learn new things, and drop any ego that is getting in your way. Make a commitment to improving your skin and create the most amazing transformation that you want for yourself!

What is the online community like?

Included with enrollment is access to a team of Skincare Coaches, an initial skin analysis, and motivational coaching calls with Tiffany. The Glow-together Community is completely private, and completely online! You will learn all the hundreds of ways how to align your habits with your glow. There will be constant information and guidance on how to turn the ideas into new habits.

The online community is currently hosted in private Facebook groups. You must be a member of the program to participate in these groups. In the community, you can post pics of your breakouts within the group or through private message to a Skincare Coach, ask questions about different things, and offer feedback and encouragement to other members. We encourage every single member in the community to find buddies who they can tag in their posts to support and encourage each other along the way. You don’t need to be a skincare guru to be able to give feedback and helping others.